Simplified Kundalini Yoga and EEG Frequencies
The practice of yoga brings mind to a calm state through direct experience. Therefore, mind may be defined as a wave, which has different frequencies. We call them ‘mind frequencies’. The foundation of this research is based on the hypothesis that, “it is impossible to separate the waves of the mind and the brainâ€. The hypothesis is tested using EEG measurements involving a systematic system of meditation called Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY). Briefly, the SKY system enables a meditator to bring the life force from the Mooladhar Chakra, which is located at the base of one’s spinal cord, to “two higher chakras†located in the head, where the mind waves are said to attain lower frequencies. The EEG measurements show three ranges of lower mental frequencies corresponding to the three stages in the SKY meditation system. The results of EEG frequencies reported here correspond to the values in the modern scientific literature on brain frequencies. Therefore, our finding supports the hypothesis that mind and brain frequencies cannot be separated. I present EMG results that demonstrate how the peace of mind also pacifies the body.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14259%2Fas.v2i1.164
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