Factors related to the escapement of reproductive age women from tetanus toxoid vaccination at the Sub – Divisional Medicalized Health Center Nkwen, Bamenda
The purpose of this study was to find out the factors related to the escapement of reproductive age women from tetanus toxoid vaccination at the Sub – Divisional Medicalized Health Center Nkwen Bamenda. A cross – sectional hospital based study was conducted in which 100 reproductive aged women (15 – 40 years) were randomly selected to participate. Demographic and clinical data were collected from participants and health personnel using a well – structured pre – tested questionnaire. From the results obtained, most of the women were within the age range of 26 – 30 years (41.1%) and were graduates (40.0%) that were employed (36.7%). Most of the reproductive age women had not taken any dose of the vaccine (54.5%) reasons being that they did not know the time the vaccine was given (80.0%), they were not aware (71.1%) and that they were scared of the side effects (61.0%). From the point of view of the health professionals, misconception about the vaccine (90.0%), poor socio – economic status (90.0%) and lack of awareness (80.0%) were the major reasons of the low tetanus toxoid vaccination coverage. In conclusion, majority of the reproductive age women are not vaccinated and notably, lack of awareness, fear of side effects and not knowing the time the vaccine is given were the main reasons for their escapement.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14259%2Fcs.v2i1.160
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