Evaluation of gastroprotective potential of Acalypha indica on peptic ulcers induced by physical and chemical agents in rodents.
Abstract: Acalypha indica L (Family Euphorbiaceae) is used traditionally in Indian System of Medicine for various ailments. Present study aims at the gastroprotective effect leaves and roots  of Acalypha indica which were administered orally as pretreatment for Aspirin (ASP), cold-restraint stress (CRS), pylorus ligation (PLU) and ethanol (EIU), induced ulcers. Estimation of gastric secretion parameters like volume of gastric juice, acid output, and pH value were estimated in PLU and EIU induced ulcer model. The results of our study revealed that Acalypha indica roots ethanolic extract showed dose-dependent ulcer protective effect on peptic ulcers induced by physical and chemical agents in rodents.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14259%2Fpm.v1i1.18
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