Impact of Wheat Bran Supplementation on Body Weight, Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose and Blood Lipids Among Obese Diabetic Women in Holy Makkah
Dietary fiber is part of a healthy diet and may exert a protective effect against several chronic diseases. A total of thirteen diabetic obese women with (BMI ≥30) were selected and instructed to consume 6 gm/d of wheat bran while they continued their usual diets for 8 weeks. Measures of body weight, BMI, blood pressure, blood glucose and blood lipids were undertaken and recorded at baseline, 4th and 8th weeks of the study for all subjects. Results showed that the mean body weight and BMI was reduced significantly (pË‚0.05). The reduction in the blood lipid ( cholesterol, LDL, triglyceride) , blood glucose and the mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure after intervention weren’t significant (p>0.05).While the reduction in the (HDL) level after intervention was statistically significant. The findings from the present study support epidemiological evidence that addition of dietary fiber supplements to the diet has beneficial effects on body weight and controlling the obesity. While lipid profile, fasting blood glucose and blood pressure tend to lessen with using wheat bran for short period but not significantly. Â
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14259%2Fbmc.v3i1.166
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