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Angular Photometric Analysis Of Khana People In Rivers State Nigeria

Emeka A Osunwoke, G Onyeriodo


Background: Photometric facial analysis is a term used to study the soft tissue configurations that make up the human face and distinguishes it.

Aim: This study is aimed at ascertaining the socio-ethnic identification and classification of the Khana people using photometric analysis.

Methods: Standardized photographs of 310 subjects (158 males and 152 females) of adult Khana people were used for this study. The parameters measured were the nasofacial, nasofrontal, nasomental, nasolabial and mentocervical angles.

Results: The mean for the nasofrontal angle for males was 133.46±8.59°, nasolabial angle  was 86.21±16.61°, nasofacial angle was 33.54±4.09° , nasomental angle was 128.99±5.52° and the mean for the mentocervical angle was 93.25±7.26° while for the females the  nasofrontal angle was 137.36±6.37°, nasolabial angle 91.73±14.8°, nasofacial angle 32.09±3.61°, nasomental angle 130.97±5.68° and mentocervical angle was 93.76±9.59°. There was significant sexual dimorphism (p<0.05) with the females having higher angles except for the mentocervical angle.

Conclusion: The results of this study could be useful to clinicians, orthodontics, facial surgeons and forensic scientists.

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